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Power Tilt and Trim Maintenance Makes a Difference

Power Tilt and Trim Maintenance Makes a Difference

Posted by Outboard Marine on 24th May 2024

The significance of the tilt and trim unit on your Yamaha outboard motor can sometimes be underestimated, yet it stands as one of the pivotal components for optimizing your boat and motor's performance. Tilt and trim functionalities regulate the motor's angle, consequently influencing the boat's running surface. This adjustment impacts various aspects of your boating experience, including ride smoothness, water grip, the capability to swiftly plane, and other operations often overlooked.

Consider, for instance, navigating through dense grass in a lake; the ability to adjust your engine level (approximately halfway up) helps prevent weed intake and engine overheating. Similarly, when braving rough seas, lowering the engine allows for a smoother ride by keeping the bow closer to the water surface, mitigating harsh wave impacts.

When the tilt and trim malfunctions, its importance becomes glaringly apparent. It's then that you realize how heavily you rely on this mechanism for routine boat operations.

According to the Yamaha Owner’s Manual, standard maintenance on your power tilt and trim should be conducted after the initial 20 hours of use, followed by every 100 hours or annually throughout the motor's lifespan. This maintenance is typically straightforward, often involving visual inspections and fluid level checks. Nevertheless, I personally make it a habit to attend to certain aspects of the system on a monthly basis.

Given my frequent travels for fishing tournaments, which entail towing my boat across various terrains like dirt, sand, and dust, I regularly apply grease to the top of the rams on the tilt unit. I keep a tube of Yamalube Marine Grease stored in the rear battery hatch of my boat for easy access. Every time I retrieve it, it serves as a reminder to inspect my trim unit.

Opting for Yamalube Marine Grease is a deliberate choice due to its resilience in saltwater environments, which are notably harsh on metal components. Applying a small amount of grease to the tops of the trim rams and their contact points on the bracket pads on a regular basis is advisable.

Grease tends to wear off over time due to wiping, rubbing, and washing, indicating the need for reapplication. Dry rams may produce friction noises during motor adjustments, which are promptly alleviated with a fresh application of grease.

While applying grease, it's opportune to inspect the rams for leaks, a common issue with power tilt and trim systems. Hydraulic fluid leaks, typically indicated by burgundy or clear fluid around the base of the rams or motor, can compromise system functionality. Addressing leaks promptly is crucial to prevent air ingress, which can impede motor movement.

In the event of a leak, replenishing hydraulic fluid becomes necessary. Yamalube Performance Power Tilt and Trim Fluid is recommended for its non-foaming properties and resistance to extreme conditions within the hydraulic system. When replenishing fluid, it's essential to bleed air from the system thoroughly to ensure optimal performance.

Corrosion is a potential concern, particularly in saltwater environments, where power tilt and trim motors are susceptible. Retracting trim rams when not in use helps mitigate corrosion buildup. If corrosion-related issues arise, such as motor resistance during adjustments, seeking professional assistance is advisable to prevent further damage.

Routine inspection of the rams for corrosion and checking the condition of the zinc anode are additional preventive measures. These maintenance tasks, albeit minor, can preempt more significant tilt and trim issues, ensuring uninterrupted enjoyment of your boating experience. After all, dedicating a brief period to maintenance is a worthwhile investment compared to prolonged downtime due to mechanical issues.